. Azma Luv Pink: 2014

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Name   : Nurhazmah Hamzah
N I M  : 20401110072
Group  : PBI 4

The reason why I choose The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary  because The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is a great product for people who are not native English speakers. This is the one of the few dictionary software packages that allows you to record your own pronunciation so you can practice saying words. College students would love this software because of its simple interface and extensive definitions.
The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has an extensive feature set. Not only does this program provide a dictionary and thesaurus with the usual information. But, you can also hear British and American pronunciations and record your own pronunciations of words. The software provides study pages and exercises so you can improve your grammar, vocabulary or even take a practice exam. This truly is a learning program.
Although the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary offers a few more features than the average dictionary software, it isn't any harder to use. A tutorial will take you through the entire program. The QUICKfind feature of this software allows you to hover over a word with your mouse and it will pull up the definition of the word. Other ways to search words include entering the word into the search box and simply searching the alphabetical list. This dictionary has 270,000 entries. You'll also find some illustrations that go with some of these entries.
We didn’t have any problems while installing this program. This software has an excellent tutorial with a video tour that will take you through all of the basic features of the product. There is a FAQ section where you can find the answers to common problems or search for a specific answer in the help section.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 3rd Edition is a program that offers you clear definitions and prominent guidewords help so you find the meaning you want quickly and easily. It includes maps, illustrations, photos and the 'Let's Talk' section which focuses specifically on spoken English.

Hundreds of interactive exercises, including exam practice for IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC.
Thousands of extra example sentences.
Frequency information shows the most important words to learn.
Pronunciation by native speakers in British and American English
Practice your pronunciation by recording it and playing it back. Compare your pronunciation with the recordings provided, until you get it right.
Smart thesaurus button that shows definitions that have the word specified in them. So if you were trying to find synonyms for the word tree you would get all of definitions that have the word tree in them.

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Advanced search that lets you narrow down your search by specifying: 
  • Category
  • Part of Speech
  • Grammar
  • Usage
  • Region
  • Topic
Quick Find – Windows pops up with the definitions for the word you point to in any window. 

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SUPERWRITE If you are writing on–screen, SUPERwrite helps you to write better English. It gives you useful information about grammar, collocation and common errors at the click of a mouse.
Exercises – The CD–ROM contains many different types of exercise, which can be done on screen or printed out for use in the classroom. There are seven types of word exercises, containing hundreds of randomly generated sentences, which focus on grammar and usage, and 36 picture exercises, which are very useful for vocabulary building and practice.

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System Requirements: 
  • PC with Pentium 300 MHZ or higher
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • Microsoft Windows 98, NT4, ME, 2000 or XP, Vista or Windows 7
  • 200 MB free hard disk space
  • Internet Explorer® 5.0 or later
  • DirectX compatible sound card with speakers or headphones
  • A mouse or compatible pointing device
  • Super VGA, 16–bit colour or higher monitor supporting 800x600 or higher resolution
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